21st joint workshop on electron cyclotron emission (ECE) and electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH)

B72 - Amphitheatre (ITER Organization )

B72 - Amphitheatre

ITER Organization

Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance - France
Emanuele Poli (Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Plasmaphysik)

In southern France, 35 nations are collaborating to build the world's largest tokamak, a magnetic fusion device that has been designed to prove the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy based on the same principle that powers our Sun and stars.

The experimental campaign that will be carried out at ITER is crucial to advancing fusion science and preparing the way for the fusion power plants of tomorrow.

FOR ITER STAFF & IPA, please contact julie.juif@iter.org to access the registration form.