25–28 Oct 2021
Europe/Paris timezone


Chair: G.Yun

26 Oct 2021, 13:00
IC Meeting room (72/5010) (ITER Site)

IC Meeting room (72/5010)


Route de Vinon sur Verdon 13115 Saint Paul les Durance FRANCE


Chair: G.Yun: Design and development of the divertor VUV spectrometer with space resolved slit at KSTAR

  • Boseong Kim (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)

Chair: G.Yun: Multi-energy x-ray imaging systems for long-pulse machines with metal PFCs

  • Tullio BARBUI (PPPL)
  • Oulfa Chellai (PPPL)

Chair: G.Yun: Compact diagnostic systems for X-rays, gammas, and neutrons: a “swiss-knife” detectors portfolio ranging between magnetic confinement fusion, thermal and fast neutrons detection, and laser produced plasmas experiments

  • Francesco CORDELLA (ENEA)

Chair: G.Yun: CVD Diamond Detectors for Fast VUV and SX-Ray Tomography (part2)

  • Francesca Bombarda (ENEA-FSN)

Chair: G.Yun: Al-GEM: an improved GEM based soft X-Ray diagnostic for tokamaks

  • Stephanie CANCELLI (Milano - Bicocca University)

Chair: G.Yun: Passive Spectroscopy SWG Report

  • Martin O'Mullane (University of Strathclyde)

Chair: G.Yun: Developments and challenges in the design of the ITER Diagnostic Residual Gas Analyzer

  • Chris Klepper (ORNL)

Chair: G.Yun: LIDS Proposal

  • Sebstian Brezinsek (FZJ)

Chair: G.Yun: LIBS for ITER: common Joint Experimental activities proposal

  • Christian Grisolia (CEA)

Chair: G.Yun: First Wall SWG Report + JEX 8 report

  • Hans Meister (IPP - Max Planck)
  • Byron Peterson ()

Chair: G.Yun: Introduction to the diagnostics for fusion-fission reactors'

  • Francesco Orsitto (ENEA)

Chair: G.Yun: EUROfusion Diagnostic Programme in Support of ITER

  • Joao Figueiredo (EUROfusion)

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