- Mark Henderson (ITER Organization)
A dual-frequency electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system is currently under development on the ST40 spherical tokamak, which will employ two gyrotrons with a maximum output power of 1 MW each at frequencies of 105GHz and 140GHz. In this paper we will present modelling results of ECRH and EBW current drive capabilities in ST40 of both available gyrotrons for various launch...
The UK’s Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) reactor design program is now exclusively investigating concepts using microwave-based heating and current drive (HCD) systems. Electron Bernstein Wave (EBW) HCD is a relatively immature technology compared to Electron Cyclotron (EC) HCD but is of interest due to the promise of high current drive efficiency and access to dense plasmas at...
I am submitting our abstract. We can give either oral or poster presentations. Thank you!