Future R&D toward Microwave H&CD systems for Commercialised Fusion Reactors

23 Jun 2022, 14:00
2h 30m
B72 - Amphitheatre (ITER Organization )

B72 - Amphitheatre

ITER Organization

Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance - France


Dr Mark Henderson (UKAEA)


The requirements of a microwave heating and current drive (mm-wave HCD) system applied to a commercial fusion reactor differ significantly from the present-day systems used for magnetic confinement research devices. The latter require versatile systems that can provide a variety of HCD applications to adapt to changing physics objectives when investigating the optimum plasma scenarios for a future burning reactor. High power sources with steerable launchers at the plasma boundary are a key aspect in exploring the usage of mm-wave HCD. However, extrapolating to a burning fusion reactor, the design criteria need to be re-orientated towards optimising plug-to-plasma efficiency, steady-state operation, longevity, RAMI, cost, etc. The development of the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) HCD system is beginning to bridge this gap toward commercialisation and as a result improvements are being identified for all parts of a future commercialised mm-wave HCD system.
The aim of this presentation is to review the requirements of a fusion power plant -wave HCD system and then outline R&D tasks required toward satisfying those requirements. The list of tasks includes improvements to the high voltage power supplies, mm-wave sources, transmission system and launchers. The discussion focuses in particular on the STEP requirements – a reactor grade spherical tokamak, aiming to achieve a net power gain back to the grid. STEP has a moderate field (~3.2T) and a steady state HCD power demand ~150MW.

Primary author

Dr Mark Henderson (UKAEA)


Dr Stefano Alberti (SPC) Dr James Anderson (General Atomics) Dr Natalia Casal (ITER Organization) Dr Simon Freethy (UKAEA) Tmothy Goodman (SPC) Dr Greg Hanson (USIPO) Dr Jean-Philippe Hogge (SPC) Mr Zach Johnson (UKAEA) Dr Ivan V. Konoplev (UKAEA) Dr Hendrik Meyer (UKAEA) Dr Taiwo Owoeye (UKAEA) Rajesh Rajagopal (UKAEA) Dr Koji Takahashi (QST) Dr Helen Webster (UKAEA)

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